Ours is a simple, straightforward story. It’s not particularly flashy. And because of that, it just might be what makes it uncommon.
Trinity wasn’t borne out of a desire to be the biggest, or to have a certain number of assets under management. We were never driven to achieve arbitrary numerical markers that can be misleading indicators of success. Instead, it was about something else entirely – something that was recurringly absent in our own experiences in the business and financial world: a deeper connection to serving people instead of numbers and accounts.
We believe we can help people experience wealth planning in the broader context of life planning – and recognize this intentional and integral thread touching various aspects of people’s lives – by authentically serving them well. This means getting to know each client and what matters most to them. It means living out what we value versus talking about. And it means leveraging decades of diverse business experience along with our disciplined investing expertise to inform our wealth planning and counsel.
We also believe that a confident-but-humble posture serves us best – one that keeps us focused on who we are serving and why, and drives us to be intentional and consistent in our work and client relationships.
By helping clients invest in what matters most to them, we earn trust. But to take that first step in building trust, prospective clients often want to know – what matters most to us? Again, the answer is rather simple: Family, quality of life, showing generosity, working to earn trust, and being known as a firm with integrity. That means how we work together, and provide our services with transparency, matters even more.